Serving: 1
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 10 min

• 2 measures coconut cream (made from TIANA® Fairtrade Organics Raw Coconut Goodness
• 4-6 crushed ice cubes
• 2 measures white rum
• 1 measure dark rum
• 3 measures pineapple juice
• To decorate: fresh pineapple wedges

1. To prepare the coconut cream simply warm TIANA® Fairtrade Organics Raw Coconut Goodness by standing it in hot water for up to 10 minutes.
2. Once the content becomes a thick semi liquid then stir thoroughly. To make coconut cream, dilute it using 1 part of TIANA® Raw Coconut Goodness with 2 parts water and chill. 
3. Put the ice cubes into a blender or food processor; add white and dark rum, pineapple juice and coconut cream, made from TIANA® Raw Coconut Goodness
4. Blend until smooth.
5. Pour into a tall glass, decorate with pineapple wedges and enjoy your Classic Pina Colada Cocktail with your friends.