Unique Sugar Alternative

TIANA Organic Coconut Nectar

Coconut Blossom Nectar – Alternatives to Sugar

TIANA Fairtrade Organics Raw Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar is far superior to coconut sugar

Both, coconut sugar and TIANA Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar are produced from coconut flower sap (nectar).

The freshly collected coconut sap (nectar) is sweet and neutral in pH (equal 6) and a Brix of 17. It contains 14-19% sugar (sucrose and small amount of glucose), and it is rich in amino acids, specifically glutamic acid and vitamins. The coconut nectar is rich in inositol that is classified as a member of the vitamin B-complex and required for the proper formation of cell membranes. 

Alternatives to Sugar

The difference between TIANA Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar and coconut sugar is that TIANA Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar is produced at low temperatures below 50°C from sap (nectar) to provide high nutrition contents therefore is a raw unrefined sugar alternative whereas coconut sugar is made from the coconut flower sap (nectar) at temperatures above 100°C when all-important nutrients available in raw sap are being destroyed by boiling.

How is TIANA Organic Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar made?

The highly nutritional and freshly collected coconut sap (nectar) immediately starts alcoholic fermentation and becomes completely fermented within a day. To avoid fermentation to produce TIANA crystallised coconut nectar, sap is collected every 4 hours. Following collection, it immediately undergoes the process of crystallisation to achieve slightly golden coloured crystals, resulting in TIANA organic raw crystallised coconut blossom nectar, which is 100% raw and full of important nutrients. This is what makes our TIANA Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar different and far more beneficial than coconut sugar.

If comparing TIANA Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar in colour with coconut sugar, coconut sugar has a dark colour because the crystallisation happens at temperatures above 100°C and the sugar will become caramelised, resulting in a dark colour.  In some countries that produce coconut sugar, it can also be mixed with organic muscovado sugar, palm sugar or other malt varieties.

TIANA Fairtrade Organics Raw Crystallised Coconut Nectar is a unique sugar alternative. Absolutely delicious and full of important nutrients, TIANA Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar is the most sustainable sugar alternative on the market.

TIANA Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar Benefits

TIANA Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar is Low Glycaemic (G.I.) of 35.

Glycaemic Index is a ranking system indicating how quickly carb containing food impacts blood sugar levels.  TIANA Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar has a Glycaemic Index Food of 35 and has a very low impact on blood sugar levels.

TIANA Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar has 2% Fructose content

It is the most important, that TIANA Fairtrade Organics Raw Crystallised Coconut Nectar only has up to 2% fructose content making it less likely to cause fat to be deposited in the body. All sugars have high a content of fructose which when digested will form a bad fat that goes around your major organs such as heart, liver etc. making people gain weight and possibly become diabetic.

TIANA Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar with G.I of 35 and 2% of Fructose can be used for people on restricted sugar diets

TIANA Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar is `100% Pure

No added anti-fermented agents, No sulphates, No chemicals, No colourings, No preservatives, No stabilisers, No flavourings, No GMO ingredients, No cholesterol, No cane sugar, No palm sugar, No soya, No grain, No gluten, No dairy, No yeast. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Be aware that in some countries that produce coconut sugar, coconut sugar can be also mixed with organic muscovado sugar, palm sugar or other malt varieties.

TIANA Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar is a 100% Raw Unrefined Sweetener

TIANA Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar has a natural golden colour because has never been caramelised from heat therefore high in trace vitamins and minerals making TIANA Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar stand-out from the rest!

TIANA Organic Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar is 100% Pure

No anti-fermenting agents and No synthetic adulterants are used.
No sulphates, No chemicals, No colourings, No preservatives, No stabilisers, No flavourings, No GM ingredients, No cholesterol, No cane sugar, No palm sugar, No soya, No grain, No gluten, No dairy, No yeast. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.


How to use TIANA Raw Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar

  • Use as a 1:1 replacement to sugar, agave or maple syrups and sweeteners.
  • Use in tea, coffee, cocoa, cocktails, milkshakes and smoothies.
  • Ideal on cereals, porridge, yoghurt, pancakes or sprinkled over fruit.
  • Excellent for baking as an alternative to sugar because TIANA Raw Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar has a low melting temperature with an extremely high burn temperature, making it perfect for confectionery and making various baked foods.
  • Tastes sensational by spoon.


TIANA Organic Crystallised Coconut Blossom Nectar - Sustainable Sugar Alternative

TIANA Fairtrade Organics are committed to Organic Produce, Fairtrade and Sustainable Agriculture. At TIANA Fairtrade Organics, our fairtrade and organic coconut farmers work on a sustainable agriculture basis and will not risk damage to their trees by over producing coconut nectar to a point where the tree goes into decline.