Servings: 4
Prep Time: 5 min
Cook Time: 20 min

• 1 cup millet, washed
• ½ cup onions, sliced
• ½ cup carrots, sliced
• ½ cup pumpkin cut in cubes
• ½ cup pitted prunes
• ½ teaspoon sea salt

1. Roast the millet in a skillet on medium low heat until it becomes fragrant (do not burn).
2. In a pressure cooker, heat TIANA® Coconut Oil and sauté first the onion, then the carrot, and then the pumpkin and prunes.
3. Cool the pan and add the millet, TIANA® Coconut Water and salt.
4. Bring to pressure, turn down the heat to medium low, just so that it keeps the pressure throughout the cooking process.
5. Cook for 20 minutes (do not place under cold water).
6. Let the pressure come down on its own. If you’re using a pot, bring to a boil and simmer for about 40 minutes.