Serving: 4
Prep Time: 5 min + refrigerate 1 hour
Cook Time: 5 min

• 1 cup coconut milk (made from TIANA® Fairtrade Organics Raw Coconut Goodness)
• 1 tablespoon TIANA® Fairtrade Organics CocoTop Snack Sweet (coconut flakes)
• 1 teaspoon black mustard seeds
• 1 medium banana, peeled and cut into ¼ inch thick rounds
• 1 teaspoon mint leaves, minced
• Sea salt, to taste

1. Heat TIANA® Coconut Oil over medium heat.
2. Add mustard seeds.
3. Sauté until they pop and become fragrant.
4. Remove from heat.
5. Add 2 tablespoons of the coconut milk (to make coconut milk, dilute 1 part of TIANA® Fairtrade Organic Raw Coconut Goodness with 3 parts of water) and TIANA® coconut flakes.
6. Place the remaining coconut milk in a small bowl and stir the mixture.
7. Add banana and mint and gently toss ingredients.
8. Taste for seasoning, and cover and refrigerate for 1 hour.
9. Serve as an accompaniment to rice, over fruit, or enjoy it alone.