Serving: 2
Prep Time: 5 min
Cook Time: 10 min
• 6 tablespoons of quinoa grain
• 2 cups of water
• 1 cup of oatmeal
• 1 medium carrot, grated
• 1 small onion, grated
• 6 chopped green olives
• 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley
• 1 teaspoon salt
1. Cook the quinoa in a cup of water until al dente, then remove from heat, rinse with cold water and drain, reserve.
2. Dissolve the oatmeal in the remaining water and set aside.
4. Add the cooked quinoa, olives, parsley, salt and the reserved oat flour, stirring until a dough.
5. Remove from heat, let cool and shape into burgers format. In a non-stick skillet, grill on both sides.
6. Ready to serve.
COOK'S Tip: serve the rosti with a tomatoes, pepper and avocado salad. You can also create 'vegan burgers' by replacing meat-based burgers by these vegan rosti.